Instructional Camp
Grades: 4th - 8th
Date: Friday - November 8th, 2024
Check-in: 1:30 PM
Time: 2 PM - 4 PM
Cost: $60
DEADLINE – Oct. 31st, 2024
Location: Lincoln Park (North) – Tucson, AZ
Camp Description:
The Tucson Invitational Games will be hosting a Instructional Camp which is open to grades 4-8. This instructional camp will be put on by several college coaches attending from all over the country, as well as local college and club instructors.
Equipment: Each player must bring her own softball equipment. Players should bring a batting helmet, bat, glove, pants, catchers gear, cleats, athletic clothing, visor or hat and water bottle. It is assumed that each camper will have some sort of storage/bag for their gear. We are not responsible for lost or stolen gear.
Shirt: Each camper will be provided a camp shirt. **Must register by October 31st to be guaranteed a Camp Shirt.
Parents: Can Parents Watch? Most definitely! Parents should observe from the regular stadium seating area. Parents are not allowed in the dugout nor on the field - please do not interrupt coaches during the combine.
Lincoln Park – North Complex
(Fields 5, 6, 7, 8)
8100 E. Escalante Rd. – Tucson, AZ 85730
Misc. Information:
No refunds will be provided to cancelled or “no show” campers.